Once Upon a Blog

The first time someone said ‘blog’ to me, I didn’t roll my eyes.  On the outside.  She wouldn’t tell me anything was going on in her life.  She would hint that if I went to her blog http://www.blahblahblah.blahgspot.com, I could find out all the cute stuff her kids did.  In thirty minutes or so of conversation, I thought I would vomit.

The next time someone said blog to me, they were recommending I get my own.  Much like when friends suggested I should write, I felt like she might be inviting me to blog it, so she didn’t have to listen to it.

I came to blogging because I was going through a life experience in which many people share their journey for the encouragement of others.  I found out while there, that I loved blogging for it’s own sake and my “journey” was not textbook enough.  In fact, I didn’t belong with those niche bloggers at all.  Though some of them became great friends, I think some of them are jerks full of beans.

This time, I am going anonymous.  Maybe I am married or single.  Maybe I am a breast cancer survivor or an airline pilot.  Maybe I am in my 20s or 30s, 40s or 50s.  I want to believe my real blog friends will know it is me.

My husband’s co-worker recently said, “Only morons blog.”  Now, because I am anonymous, I can say, “Thanks for the respect.  Very politically correct.  Who else would you call a moron?  A mom? A cancer patient? An artist? A chef? A farmer?  A teacher, for Heaven’s sake?”  That is like saying, “Only morons do anything I don’t do.”

Should I want your life?

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